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Tamong the guests: Luigi Manconi (Passaggi Award), Alessandro Cattelan (Fuori Passaggi Award), Barbara Stefanelli (‘Andrea Barbato’ journalism award), Nando dalla Chiesa, Marcello Veneziani, Roby Facchinetti, Alessandra Mussolini, Rita Cucchiara, Francesco Costa, Eterobasiche, Luca Bizzarri, Luca De Gennaro, Gianluca Grignani, Carlotta Vagnoli, Nico Acampora, Ludovico Tersigni

Over 150 events, 190 guests and 23 exhibitions in 12 locations between the historic center and the seaside area. The news and updates of the XII Edition in Fano (PU) from Wednesday 26th to Sunday 30th June

Just a few more days of waiting and the books of the twelfth edition of will open Festival Passages, the summer event dedicated to non-fiction and non-fiction, scheduled in Fano (PU) from Wednesday 26th to Sunday 30th June. A program full of events, all with free entry for readers of all ages with over 150 events and 190 guests, 23 series of meetings including book reviews and cultural events, 80 books protagonists on the stages of the festival distributed in 12 locations between the historic center and the seafront , around 120 staff people – mostly young people, students and volunteers – involved in planning and logistics. A great organizational effort for an event that promotes an entire city through culture and which this year will reflect on the theme ‘Error and artifice’, in which the imperfect human being attempts to create, with artificial intelligence , something perfect.

The big names in Piazza XX Settembre, first news and updates

The names best known to the general public will take turns on the central stage in Piazza XX Settembre. It will open with Alessandro Cattelan Thursday 27 June (9.30 pm) who will receive the ‘Fuori Passaggi Award’ for his courageous cultural undertaking, the birth of the ‘Accento’ publishing house. He will talk about it on stage with the writer and director of ‘Accento’ Matteo B. Bianchi and with the editorial consultant Gianmario Pilo.

Immediately afterwards, at 10.30pm, another important recognition: the Passaggi 2024 Award, dedicated to those who have distinguished themselves for their moral stature and editorial production. He will be the one to receive it Luigi Manconi, politician and sociologist who has always been committed to the defense of human rights. The author, who will present his books “Poliziotto-Ssantotto. Violence and democracy” (Il Saggiatore) and “Whose life is it?” (Il Nuovo Melangolo), will dialogue with the essayist Marino Sinibaldi.

Also in the square, on Friday 28th the ‘Andrea Barbato’ journalistic prize will be awarded to Barbara Stefanelli who will converse with Rai News director Paolo Petrecca about his book “Love harder. Iranian girls walk in front of us” (Solferino).

He will also talk about the courage of women Nando from the Church (28/6), sociologist and president of the Passaggi scientific committee, who will present his book “Le Ribelli. Stories of women who challenged the Mafia for love” (Solferino), together with the actress Beatrice Luzzi and the writer and journalist Annarita Briganti.

Current affairs, art and feelings: the review will continue with Marcello Veneziani (29/6) journalist and writer, author of “The Necessary Love. The force that moves the world” (Marsilio) interviewed by journalist Hoara Borselli; followed by the unmistakable voice of Pooh Roby Facchinetti (10.30 pm) who will present his “What a spectacle life is. My story, music, love” (Sperling & Kupfer) in dialogue with Claudio Salvi and Alessandra Mussolini (30/6), author of “The Game of the Dark” (Minerva), a book in which she tells, through the eyes of a little girl, the difficult family relationships between the most important figures in her life. She will talk about it on stage with Anna Rita Ioni.

The night speech that will close the Piazza XX Settembre program will be a final lectio magistralis on the theme of the festival and will be delivered by the professor Rita Cucchiara (30/6, 10.30 pm), internationally renowned AI expert.

At the Pincio there is space for music, social media and entertainment

As always, the Pincio gardens with the ‘Fuori Passaggi’ exhibition will welcome the younger public who love music and social media.

The journalist opened the meetings Francesco Costa (27/6) which will present ‘Frontiera. Because it will be a new American century” (Mondadori) with Annarita Briganti. On the same day at 10.30pm the Heterobasic, Maria Chiara Cicolani and Valeria De Angelis with ‘Portrait of a Male’ (Einaudi) a novel that outlines an exhilarating phenomenology of today’s heterosexual male. They will talk about it with the writer and literary critic Giulia Ciarapica. The guest will be on Friday 28th Luca Bizzarri, which graced the stages of theaters and cinemas, giving the public irresistible gags and iconic characters. Interviewed by the magnificent duo of Rai Radio 2’s Lunatici, Roberto Arduini and Andrea Di Ciancio, he will present “They don’t have a friend” (Mondadori), 101 amused and entertaining reflections with which he paints a caustic portrait of contemporary Italian society. At 10.30 pm it will be the turn of Luca De Gennaro, one of the greatest Italian DJs, with his book, “Generazione alternative 1991-1995” (Rizzoli) which tells the unpredictable story of the early nineties when underground music conquered the charts and revolutionized the market. Saturday 29 June Gianluca Grignani (7.30 pm) with the co-author Eugenio Arcidiacono will present “Remnants of rock’n’roll. Sincere diary of an artist” (Edizioni San Paolo) in dialogue with the writer Valentina Farinaccio. A book in which, following the thread of his most beautiful songs (and looking at the next ones that are seeing the light), Grignani shows himself to the public with sincerity and the desire to convey and provoke emotions. Following Carlotta Vagnoli (9.30 pm) will give voice to the millennial generation with his latest book “Nocturnal Animals” (Einaudi) in conversation with the journalist Jessica Chia. On Sunday 30th the event closes with two appointments: Nico Acampora author with Elisabetta Soglio of “Forbidden to tread on dreams. The extraordinary story of PizzAut and its boys” (Solferino) interviewed by the journalist Paolo Notari; Ludovico Tersigni actor and TV presenter will talk to us about his “See you beyond the horizon” (Rizzoli), a journey in search of oneself, to breathe again and find happiness again. On stage with the author there will be the music promoter Ivana Stjepanovic.

News, proposals, initiatives: Passaggi grows with the territory

Passaggi also grows in initiatives, proposals and attention to the public. Starting from the organisation’s commitment to guarantee this year a greater number of meetings with LIS interpreting in collaboration with the Pesaro and Urbino section of the ENS, the national body for the protection and assistance of the deaf and thanks to the support from Dago Elettronica.

Among the new features are the exhibitions dedicated to history, women’s literature and books about books (among the guests, Mauro Canali, Antonio Polito, Elisabetta Fiorito, Cristina Scocchia, Amedea Pennacchi, Simonetta Fiori, Marco Revelli); free admission theater shows (with actors Francesco Pompilio and with the extraordinary participation of Riccardo Rossi who will be on stage with Giulia Bellucci And Nicola Gaggi) and meetings with the authors in the festival bookshop managed by Librerie.Coop in Piazza Amiani (every day at 7pm). From books to other cultural proposals that strengthen the festival’s bond with the territory: there will be no shortage of exhibitions (the unpublished graphic novels of ‘A reading in the clouds’, the photographic exhibition curated by Centrale Fotografia in collaboration with the students of the Liceo Artistico Apolloni di Fano, the art deco drawings exhibition organized by the Gasparelli Gallery), guided tours to discover Fano curated by Manuela Palmucci, wellness practices with the Meditamondo Association, scientific aperitifs coordinated by Unicam teachers, free masterclasses curated by Scuola Passaggi , workshops for the little ones in collaboration with Memo, Unicam, Volunteers of Nati per Leggere and Frolla MIcrobiscottificio. From this edition, the “Elisa Mascarucci” Prize will be awarded to the best laboratory, dedicated to the memory of the young Fano girl (30/6).

Read more, Steps instructions for use

The festival does not stop on the largest stages in the square and Pincio, but continues in the many locations ranging from the sea -Bon Bon del Lido, Bagni Elsa a Fosso Sejore, Bagni Torrette- to the historic center (Chiostro delle Benedettine, former Church of San Francesco, Bastione Sangallo, Uccellin Bel Verde, Memo). Art, philosophy, science, history, economics, politics and current affairs, well-being, artificial intelligence and new technologies, graphic novels, women’s literature and books that tell other books are the topics in which Passaggi’s non-fiction will be explored with meetings and thematic reviews from morning to late night. All events are free (except guided tours) and without reservations (with the exception of workshops that can be booked on

Creating culture is a business. Here are the ones who support us.

Passaggi is promoted and organized by the Passaggi Cultura association in collaboration with Librerie.Coop. The festival is conceived and directed by Giovanni Belfiori, the deputy director is Ludovica Zuccarini, the president of the Festival is the former mayor of Fano, Cesare Carnaroli. The Scientific Committee that awards the festival prizes is chaired by Nando dalla Chiesa and composed of Alessandra Longo, Claudio Novelli, Giorgio Santelli, Marino Sinibaldi.

The event is supported by the Municipality of Fano, the Marche Region and the Marche Chamber of Commerce. It avails itself of the patronage of the Italian Publishers Association, Center for Books and Reading, Liceo Nolfi Apolloni Fano, Ministry of Culture, University of Camerino, Fondazione Marche Cultura.

The private organizations and sponsors that help the festival are: Coop Alleanza 3.0, Profilglass (main sponsor); BCC Fano, Aset and Renco (Premium Sponsor); Renier Associati Group and Schnell (Platinum Sponsor); Valmex, Earth System, Carifano Foundation (Gold Sponsor); Aboca, Bacedo, Pietrelli Porte, GM Costruzioni (Silver Sponsor); Pesceazzurro, Termomet (Bronze Sponsor).

The following are supporters of the festival: Isa Infissi, Dago, Union moda.

The technical partners and friends of the event are: Enoteca Biagioli (Fano), Buena Siesta (Fano), Comunica (Fano), Reverde Regini Garden (Fano), Studio 99 (Republic of San Marino), Studio Legale Omiccioli (Fano), Taverna Cittadina (Fano), Casarredo (Fano), Fenice (Fano) Cante di Montevecchio Agricultural Foundation (Fano)

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