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Summer, 5 mysteries perfect to read to relax in the evening

Summer holidays are still a mirage but do you want to enjoy a bit of relaxation? Reading can provide an excellent escape from the pounding reality of commitments and things to do.

If you love crime literature and prefer it especially in the summer season to relax, distract yourself and wander into captivating and distant worlds, you are in the right place at the right time. Below, we recommend 5 mystery books perfect to read on summer evenings to relax.

5 perfect detective stories to read to relax on summer evenings

“Murder on the Island” by Jessica Fletcher and Donald Bain

The Lady in Murder is always an excellent solution for a relaxing but also captivating read. Books set in summer, then, have that quid which makes them even more compelling. It also happens with “Murder on the Island”.

A relaxing week in the Bermuda sun is exactly what Jessica needs after a long, tiring promotional tour for her latest book.

Upon arrival, however, he finds the idyllic island in turmoil due to a series of mysterious and brutal murders. Tension is running high and all the inhabitants seem to be asking themselves the same question: who will be the next victim?

Jessica is determined not to let her vacation be ruined and decides to attend the sumptuous party organized by her friend, Thomas Betterton, a federal judge from New Jersey, in an elegant villa on the coast. But when, at the end of the evening, during a relaxing walk on the beach, she comes across the body of one of her guests, Jessica is forced to face reality.

“The island and time” by Claudia Lanteri

We also remain on an island for the second reading suggestion, perfect for those who love summer mysteries but are also interested in reading something stimulating and different from the canonical mystery. Because this debut novel has something special: it is a subjective mystery, of memory.

It’s not often that you come across books like this, alive, unsettling, due to the strength of the story and the writing. Imagine a volcanic island of wild beauty south of Sicily, on the threshold of the 1960s. And imagine the arrival of a little green boat with an exhausted castaway on board and the corpse of a woman, his wife. It is an event that breaks the quiet of that world, then slowly everyone returns to their life.

But for the protagonist of “Island and Time”, those days, and the investigation that followed, are a subject to be told for thirty years to anyone who bothers to listen to him: women passing by, street urchins, tourists who little by little change the face of the island.

“Madame le Commissaire and the murdered lover” by Pierre Martin

If you want to relax with a “soft detective story” this summer, we have a fresh off-the-press alternative that will satisfy you.

As soon as she opened her eyes after the operation that extracted the fragment of a bomb from her spine, Madame le commissaire was certain that from then on everything would be fine.

Doctor Lambart had told her – once rehabilitation was over they could even dance together – and now, after five weeks on crutches, Isabelle Bonnet is fitter than ever.

To distract himself, he solves cold cases from one hundred and thirty years earlier (who really cut off Vincent van Gogh’s ear?) and visits the pretty town of Saint-Rémy, in the Provençal Alpilles, which is the backdrop to his convalescence.

All is well, then, or so it seems, because tragedy is always lurking on Fragolin.

“The mysterious case of Villa Grada” by Gavino Zucca

We return to the island environment for a mystery set in Sardinia that will satisfy you, excite you and will certainly help you relax on your summer evenings: it is one of the adventures of the legendary Lieutenant Roversi.

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