Italy 24 Press News

‘The sound of anger’: the collection of Cristiano Godano’s writings has been released

The Marlene Kuntz frontman has brought together in a book the thoughts on music and the world published in recent years on this site, «plus three specially elaborated ones, a final counterpoint and a dense introduction»

by Rolling Stone

Is titled The sound of anger. Thoughts on music and the world the book published by the Saggiatore which collects the writings of Cristiano Godano by Marlene Kuntz for Rolling Stone, where he has a column called Elzevirus, and three others specially developed, plus an introduction and what he calls a final counterpoint.

«I don’t know how to write prose in a synthetic way», says Godano when introducing the book. «So, when I express myself outside the verses of a song, I always elaborate the sentences with intentions that are almost more artistic than content. It is a book of opinions written in an almost narrative way. The final conviction to reach the printed paper came from the feeling that my articles were liked. Not to everyone obviously. But the appreciation received on my social networks and the almost constant presence in the five most read articles of the day on the site were enough to convince me that it could be done.”

«It is a book of opinions», writes Godano on social media, «and this in truth is very little artistic. These are the opinions of a 54/57 year old, with all the good and all the bad that this entails. The resulting mix, I think, can be defined with words like: “Book of opinions written in an almost narrative way”. Aware of the many possible defects present everywhere, but equally aware of the sincerity and caution with which I have indulged the passion that has always driven me to write them.”

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