Italy 24 Press News


Bo-oks has been officially launched, the innovative digital platform that promises to revolutionize the way we discover, choose, buy and read new books. offers a special connection between each title and its reader, representing a significant shift in the publishing landscape. “Even the name of the platform itself, Bo-oks, with the hyphen, symbolizes the meeting and connection between work and user, emphasizing the unique approach to matching between reader and book”, explains Andrea Ponticelli, co-founder of Bo -ok.

How does it work
Already from the user registration phase on the platform, an accurate profiling of the reader begins which the artificial intelligence will gradually refine based on behaviors and reading habits. Bo-oks not only learns the reader’s tastes and interests, but is also able to “listen” to his emotions, suggesting titles, authors and genres based on the mood of the moment. The platform, in fact, uses an advanced AI algorithm based on two search models. When registering, users provide information on their interests and reading preferences and can select emojis representing different emotions to receive recommendations in line with their mood. This data allows the software to make personalized suggestions, selecting proposals from a large catalog made up of thousands of books: quality titles, original stories by authors who deserve to be discovered. The platform allows you to read your favorite titles in two ways: digitally, through a proprietary online reader – usable from PCs, tablets and smartphones -, but also in paper, by ordering a printed copy which will be produced on demand by the eco-sustainable printer 4Graph.

User Feedback
The platform includes a feedback mechanism that allows users to express their appreciation through likes, reviews and saving titles on their lists. These interactions provide additional data to improve personalized recommendations and promote works to similar profiles. Furthermore, each member can join the Bo-oks community of readers to discuss their favorite books and share interests and passions, creating a lively and participatory library.

Collaborations with publishing houses
Bo-oks has chosen to collaborate exclusively with independent publishers, selecting only those who publish high quality works. «In a rapidly evolving and increasingly crowded publishing market, Bo-oks wants to position itself as an innovative specialized distributor, capable of dedicating itself vertically to independent publishing, offering advantages that range from distribution to logistics, through printing», he explains Bridges.

Bo-oks’ goal is to create an exciting and engaging reading experience that transcends the boundaries between paper and digital. According to a Netcomm survey, strong readers prefer multi-channel. “For this reason, despite being a natively digital platform, we felt the need to keep the physicality of the paper book alive,” comments Ponticelli. With a simple click, each reader can comfortably receive a printed copy at home, which can be personalized with a dedication thanks to the collaboration with 4Graph, the eco-sustainable online typography that uses only ecological inks and recycled and recyclable papers.

In the start-up phase, around thirty publishing houses have already enthusiastically accepted Bo-oks’ invitation, seizing the opportunity of an innovative and complementary sales channel to the traditional distribution chain, without initial costs for the first two years .

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