Italy 24 Press News

I Cattivi Review Today the writer Chicca Maralfa is guest

This evening the penultimate appointment with the CATTIVI exhibition organized by the cultural associations I libri di Medea and Agorà 2.0 and the Ubik bookshop in Corato.
The writer Chicca Maralfa will be a guest, an author now rightfully included in the list of the best Italian crime writers, with her latest novel IL DELITTO DELLA MONTAGNA.

A small mountain town. Three mysterious deaths. A complicated investigation for Gaetano Ravidà

Two years after moving to Asiago, where he commands the local police station, the Bari lieutenant Gaetano Ravidà begins to get used to his new life. On the Vicenza plateau, the scene of the bloodiest battles of the Great War and recently devastated by the Vaia storm, it is grappling with environmental crimes: a couple of marble quarries, abandoned for some time, are used as illegal storage. Right between those rock walls, Ravidà and his men find, in addition to the dangerous waste, the mummified corpse of a man. While trying to trace the victim’s identity, two other people die in mysterious and apparently unrelated circumstances, throwing the small community into dismay. Thanks to the testimonies, cross-referencing various sources and investigating relentlessly, Ravidà and his collaborators begin to suspect links and connections between the victims and the dangerous tentacles of the Brenta crime. During the days of the blackbird, with the landscape blanketed in snow, the lieutenant and his team will have to manage to overcome the blanket of apparent calm and silence in the coldest period of the year to quickly find the truth.
The meeting will be held at the headquarters of the Agorà 2.0 association in via San Benedetto 36.

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