Italy 24 Press News

Venafro, ‘Il Maggio dei Libri’ according to the idea of ​​the ‘San Giovanni in Platea’ parish

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VENAFRO – Unanimous consensus for the event held on the occasion of ‘Il Maggio dei Libri’: that new way of cultural sharing that passes through social channels has also won over the ‘San Giovanni in Platea’ Parish.

A transmission tool that allows you to reach a varied and large audience, a new way of cultural sharing that has obtained strong approval from the public and which promises to be an innovative idea that will certainly encourage others in the future.

The parish collaborators who have implemented that communication strategy capable of significantly increasing the church’s audience say they are more than satisfied.

In the press release received by the editorial staff they state that “the ‘San Giovanni in Platea’ Parish of Venafro participated in the May of Books through an initiative entitled On the trail of a lifeblood for a New Humanity divided into three dates on which as many volumes were presented. On May 17 Giovanni Capobianco and Lella Preziosi presented Synodality, Church and Family (Eva, Venafro 2023) by Salvatore Rinaldi; on May 24th Vincenzina Scarabeo and Federica Passarelli presented Faith and society (Eva, Venafro 2022) by Salvatore Rinaldi; on May 31st Antonio Ianniello and Sergio Tanzarella presented Charity on the outskirts (Jacob’s Well, Trapani 2022) by Chiara Franchitti. All three presentations also featured a final speech by Salvatore Rinaldi. These are web events that you can continue to watch on the Parrocchia San Giovanni in Platea di Venafro YouTube Channel ( On the occasion of May of Books, a special promotional campaign has started so that it is still possible to purchase the volumes presented with a special discount of 50%. Copies can be collected from the “Il Girasole – Consultorio Familiare” Association in via Pedemontana, 41 in Venafro or requested on the website or on the Facebook page of the parish of San Giovanni in Platea ([email protected][email protected]) .

The first presentation of the cycle took place on May 17th Synodality, Church and Family by Salvatore Rinaldi, which you can watch on the YouTube channel of the San Giovanni in Platea parish of Venafro at the following link:

Giovanni Capobianco, researcher and teacher of Numerical Calculus and Mathematics for Information Technology, Lella Preziosi, teacher and candidate in dogmatic theology and the author Salvatore Rinaldi, parish priest, moral theologian, bioethicist and university professor spoke about it. The virtual moderator of the event was Vittorio Bandera, university student and parish collaborator, who conducted the work both during the presentation itself and physically, having collected the various contributions and expertly assembled them in the video. Bandera himself, in introducing listeners to Church and Family Synodality presents the volume by stating that ‘a synod is lived with the style and manner of the family, characterized by discussion, dialogue, freedom of speech’.

The second presentation of the cycle took place on May 24th Faith and society by Salvatore Rinaldi, which you can watch on the YouTube channel of the San Giovanni in Platea parish of Venafro at the following link:

Vincenzina Scarabeo, head teacher and president of the religious-socio-cultural club “San Nicandro”, Federica Passarelli, law graduate and collaborator of Molise Network and the author Salvatore Rinaldi, parish priest, moral theologian, bioethicist and university professor spoke about it. The virtual moderator of the event was Vittorio Bandera, university student and parish collaborator, who conducted the work both during the presentation itself and physically, having collected the various contributions and expertly assembled them in the video. Bandera himself, in introducing listeners to Faith and society presents the volume by stating that Wedding ring and society it is ‘a great help for everyone: many short texts well focused on the heart of current problems, treated in such a way as to reveal a great love for the Man of Nazareth and for the new humanity’.

The third presentation of the cycle took place on May 31st Charity on the outskirts by Chiara Franchitti, which you can watch on the YouTube channel of the San Giovanni in Platea parish of Venafro at the following link:

Antonio Ianniello, invited professor of Church History (Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy section San Luigi) and former contract professor of Modern History (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio), Sergio Tanzarella, full professor of History of the Church in the Theological Faculty of Southern Italy (Naples) and invited professor at the Gregorian University (Rome) and Salvatore Rinaldi, parish priest, moral theologian, bioethicist and university professor. The virtual moderator of the event was Vittorio Bandera, university student and parish collaborator, who conducted the work both during the presentation itself and physically, having collected the various contributions and expertly assembled them in the video. Bandera himself, in introducing listeners to Charity on the outskirts presents the volume by stating that ‘Charity on the outskirts shows that even study and culture, if shared, are a service of charity. A charity that is a constitutive and irreplaceable dimension for every Christian’.

Just a few days after the presentations it is possible to confirm the success of the event. The first proof is the views and comments both on Youtube and on Facebook and on other private communication channels, but also the growth in sales, a sign both of appreciation of the written works and evidence of the interest in reading that is still alive. It is possible to continue watching the videos and purchasing and reading the books, as a good omen of cultural openness as a wish for curiosity, understood as love for research and for discoveries“.


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