“This is how I pass on my dad’s values”

In Grottammare, in the ‘Meetings with authors’ series, Sara Doris presented her book: ‘Ennio, my father’. A work that tells the life of the founder of the Mediolanum bank through the eyes of his daughter.

Entrepreneur, banker, businessman. How was Ennio as a father?

“It was fantastic, we always felt his presence and his support despite him working so hard. This was also thanks to the teamwork he formed with my mother, they were a splendid couple. He always made us participants in his great work project, we were always We were inside that world, getting to know colleagues and collaborators. This allowed us to participate in his achievements, and this sharing of goals was a joy. He was always there for the important things.”

In the book, is Ennio described as a businessman or as a father?

“The approach is that of a daughter, but we realized that the public and private Ennio are two people who correspond. He was an exceptional person as a father, friend, son, husband and businessman. What regulated his way of working and dealing with work issues were the same values ​​that guided him as a person. Telling about this person who achieved so much but always remaining faithful to himself and the values ​​that his family passed on to him in the small village where he was born. was the goal of our project.”

The proceeds from the book are donated to the Ennio Doris Foundation, what is the aim of the project?

“We thought of carrying forward dad’s private projects and in addition, given his path, we thought of supporting and facilitating the educational path of deserving students coming from unfavorable socio-cultural contexts. He came from a less than wealthy family, and was helped by an uncle in his studies. And then, he was a model student.”

Have you ever been to the area?

“I have been to the city several times, I have a dear friend from Ascoli and so with her I visited San Benedetto, a wonderful place. I know Ascoli a little more, wonderful, with a square that leaves you breathless”.

Ottavia Firmani

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