Lamezia, presentation of the book “Sarà l’Aurora. My fight against cancer” by Igor Colombo

Lamezia, presentation of the book “Sarà l’Aurora. My fight against cancer” by Igor Colombo
Lamezia, presentation of the book “Sarà l’Aurora. My fight against cancer” by Igor Colombo

Lamezia Terme – A real battle, with no holds barred, the one told by Igor Colombo in his new book “Sarà l’Aurora. My fight against cancer”, Grafiché Editore, whose entire proceeds will be donated to the Oncology Operating Unit of the “Giovanni Paolo II” of Lamezia Terme, where the young writer is currently being treated after the diagnosis of colon cancer already in metastasis, now chronic. Great participation in the event, where a crowd of friends, relatives, ordinary citizens, showed their solidarity with the author, who already has several publications under his belt, a past of militant political commitment, and a great passion for football , particularly for Vigor Lamezia.

Present alongside him at the event, moderated by the journalist Maria Scaramuzzino, were the journalists Salvatore D’Elia and Antonio Chieffallo, the latter author of the preface, and the managers of the Pneumology and Oncology Operational Units of the Lamezzo hospital, the doctors Luciana Fronda and Pina Molinaro, who with their work have made the diagnosis and treatment of the disease possible, giving the young patient a new opportunity in life. Above all thanks to them, Igor was present at the release of his new literary effort, and had the strength to complete it. In this sense, the moral contribution of Nella Fragale, owner of the Grafiché publishing house, with which Igor made his debut at the time, was strong, and she said that she pushed the young man to write down his story, “because, I know it well , in cases like this you need to have a goal in front of you.” An objective happily achieved, after that 29 August 2023 in which Dr. Fronda discovered – despite her report giving a different diagnosis – that Igor’s is not simple bronchitis. He orders his immediate hospitalization in oncology, and there, after 37 days of hospitalization and months of treatment, Dr. Molinaro, accompanied by a staff “who suffered and hoped with him every day”, manages to stabilize his condition. “It doesn’t seem real to me to be here and have completed my book,” the author says today, “but when you have cancer you either stop, or you go full speed. And I decided to go full force.” Colombo then thanked all his friends, always very present at his side, his mother Teresa and the whole family, particularly his cousin Stefania Bonaddio, reader of some touching passages in the book. Also speaking at the event were the mayor Mascaro, the deputy mayor Bevilacqua, the president of the council Nicotera, the councilor Mimmo Gianturco, the entrepreneur Salvatore Rettura.

“Cancer changes the way you see the world: you stop putting things off, you value time, everyday life, even a simple walk outdoors. But I don’t think we should thank him: just fight him, in a battle that must be won”, concludes the author. “Every cancer story is unique, but there are threads that bind us,” explains councilor Gianturco, giving voice to the many present who have this experience in common with Igor. “You can’t talk about oncology medicine if you don’t talk about humanization” is the main message that comes from the two female doctors who are accompanying the young man on his journey, and who, as underlined by Maria Scaramuzzino, represent excellence in healthcare. , which resists. Also present in the book – “not simply emotional or intimate”, as recalled by Chieffallo – are numerous social themes, the indomitable passion for Vigor, but also for Reggina and for Roma. “In Igor’s battle there is also a lot of gratitude” concludes D’Elia, “a rare feeling in our times. There are many names in the book, and behind each name there is a story. I think it’s the biggest civil and political battle of his life.”

Giulia De Sensi


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