Florence, journey through the book by Folco Terzani with the immersive installation by Elio Germano – Italy 24 Press News

Florence, journey through the book by Folco Terzani with the immersive installation by Elio Germano

Florence, 29 September 2024 – ‘Barefoot on the ground‘ physically transports the audience into another dimension. This immersive and sensorial installation starting in fact from the book of the same name by Folco Terzani, he is capable of leading the audience inside one space inspired by the cave of the Indian Sadhuaround the sacred fire called Dhuni, listening to the story of the Sadhu/Baba Cesare of his personal journey, interpreted by Elio Germano in a sound reconstruction already published as an audiobook. The life of a Western man who, chasing pleasure, discovers renunciation. An extraordinary life, a search against the current while the whole world is moved by the desire for more and more. From sunset, throughout the nightyou can stop, listen, observe, live, even just for a period of time, the experience in this temporary sanctuary, while a true ‘cela’ (disciple of the sadhu) will officiate the rites of the asram offering chai and food, as by tradition. Completely free, even from shoes and phones. The installation the 2 and 3 October it is at the Belvedere Tower inside the Park of Villa Strozzi – Via Pisana 77, Florence. For artistic needs, it is necessary to leave cell phones at the entrance at the designated storage point. On the installed carpets you will need to be barefoot and you can access the installation at any time. Tickets can be purchased at the Puccini Theater ticket office open from Thursday to Saturday from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm and one hour before the start of the shows; at Box Office Toscana / Ticketone sales points; online at www.teatropuccini.it. Information at number 055.362067.

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