
“They say my disease doesn’t exist, I’m outraged”

Costantino Vitagliano he has been facing a rather complicated phase of life for about a year, the one that forced him to realize that he has one illnessthus recalibrating everything. The hospital has become an all too familiar place for him and yet, despite everything, he manages to maintain a balance and dedicates himself to his work, his hobbies and above all to the most important person for him: his daughter Ayla. As if health problems weren’t enough, the tronista par excellence found himself facing comments on social media that question the disease itself, insinuating that it is just an invention.

Costantino Vitagliano against social haters

People keep saying my disease doesn’t exist and that I invented it to advertise myself,” he said in an interview with the weekly Moreover. Costantino Vitagliano is not there and it is for this reason that he has decided to clarify once and for all what is rumored around his illness. “I am offended, indignant – he added -. Don’t joke about health and I really feel bad: questioning it is a cowardly act. Especially since I don’t need lies to gain visibility.”

Even in the face of illness there are those who argue that it can be an excuse to make people talk about themselves. Maria De Filippi’s former tronista often receives comments focused precisely on this point, words that hurt him and that pushed him to consider the possibility of take legal action against those serial haters who according to him act solely “out of envy”.

Diagnosis and living with the disease

“I don’t wish on anyone, not even my worst enemy, what I’m going through because of the disease that afflicts me,” he said bluntly in the interview, words that echo those pronounced on other occasions, such as the interview with The Good Time by Caterina Balivo or that to Very true by Silvia Toffanin.

Vitagliano received the diagnosis about a year ago. He went to hospital due to a strange pain in his sternum, the doctors immediately advised him to have an ultrasound and at that point he discovered something unexpected: there was a mass in the aortawhich required immediate hospitalization. He never thought he would end up in the oncology surgery department: “I felt my blood freeze. I was convinced I had a tumor, even though the doctors were cautious,” he explained.

It wasn’t a tumor and, after almost 30 days of checks and specific tests, he discovered he had one rare autoimmune disease: “A pathology that leads the immune system to feed it, rather than fight it. It doesn’t even have a name, the causes are unknown and there are no specific treatments, only experimental ones. ‘His life will never be the same again’the doctors told me, before I resigned.” And, in fact, this was because there is no real cure and the only thing possible is to follow a treatment, regularly going to hospital in order to constantly monitor his health conditions and be able to act in time when necessary .


Luna is a lifestyle and wellness writer who shares tips on mindful living, balanced nutrition, and fostering a sense of well-being every day.

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