«Sick man, why doesn’t anyone believe me? I hope to live a long time for my daughter Ayla”
Enough now. Costantino Vitagliano is tired and ill.
Even «if people continue to say that my illness doesn’t exist and that I invented it to advertise myself. I am offended, indignant. You don’t joke about health and I’m really sick: questioning it is a cowardly act. Especially since I don’t need lies to gain visibility.” To the weekly magazine Di Più, Maria De Filippi’s former tronista tells that she is really at her limits. “I don’t wish on anyone, not even my worst enemy, what I’m going through due to the disease that afflicts me.” For this reason, Costantino, as happened with Alba Parietti and Madalina Ghenea, is considering the possibility of pursuing his haters through legal proceedings…
The disease
When asked why he is attacked, he tells the weekly edited by Osvaldo Orlandini that «the answer is always the same: out of envy. But I have strong shoulders and I think of those who don’t have them.” A disease discovered a year ago after feeling pain in the sternum. «The pain didn’t go away so I had an ultrasound and the result was worrying: “You have a mass in your aorta, you need urgent hospitalization”, the doctor explained to me. They placed me in the oncology surgery department and I felt my blood freeze. I was convinced I had a tumor, even though the doctors were cautious…”. After a series of tests that lasted twenty-nine days, the result arrived: «A rare autoimmune disease, that is, a pathology that causes the immune system to feed it, rather than fight it. It doesn’t even have a name, the causes are unknown and there are no specific treatments, only experimental ones. “His life will never be the same again,” the doctors told me, before resigning me.”
In therapy
Now he follows a precise therapy: «Every morning I take a tablet for my blood pressure. Furthermore, every week I have to have two injections: an anti-inflammatory and a bone medicine. Initially, I also took cortisone and struggled to sleep. Then, once the cortisone treatment was over, I began to feel exhausted and full of pain.” Now the situation has stabilized even if the pain and the sense of tiredness are still there but he has regained the twelve kilos he had lost, and so he has started training again. He tells his colleague Francesco Cordella that he has also started doing weights and doing some walking again. “I regained a minimum of the life I had before, which aroused the malice of the haters, as if a sick person had to spend twenty-four hours in bed.”
The daughter
Today Costantino Vitagliano feels like “a physically wounded lion, but my character has not changed”. This is why he wants to fight again against those who don’t believe him. «I am aware that certain moments will never come back and I enjoy the present, what I have. I still do television, I have my fans, my sponsorships, several rental properties that allow me to make a decent living, I don’t lack for anything. And above all, I have my daughter Ayla: my world revolves around her.”
Already her daughter, the most important thing: «Mum and I did everything to make the end of our relationship burden her as little as possible, and we are very close. My little girl moves my heart and gives me the strength to move forward: in my prayers, I only ask God to let me live as long as possible to see her grow.”