
Report’s shocking denunciation

Tonight on Rai 3 at Report, the new investigation into purebred dog breeding

Purebred dogs as production machines, selection of breeds and pedigrees as if the animals were collector’s items, breeding business, which by breeding animals takes away homes from strays and shelter dogs.

All this will be told tonight on Rai 3 a Report in a new investigation by Giulia Innocenzi on Enci – National Institute for Italian Cynophilia, an association of dog breeders whose aim is to spread purebred dogs.

ENCI, a body supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture and a place of power, endorses and certifies the breed selection, i.e. the choice to specifically breed those dogs that have certain characteristics, both functional and aesthetic, useful to humans, for the purpose of sale and therefore profit.

Among the dog breeds chosen there are also those with extreme physical characteristics, such as brachycephalic or toy breeds, who are born by default with physical characteristics that are not compatible with animal welfare (brachycephalic animals, for example, have serious respiratory problems that often compromise a normal life).

Furthermore, Enci, through the organization of training courses for dog trainers, promotes an archaic dog culture, based on obedience and control – attitudes that go hand in hand with coercive methods, light years away from the cognitive-zooanthropological approach, i.e. the one that recognizes and values ​​the human-animal relationship, instead considering the latter a thinking being with its own emotions.

Tonight’s report will investigate how ENCI money is spent and inadequate farm control operations.


Elise is a food and travel writer, combining her love of cuisine and culture to share delicious dishes and unforgettable travel experiences.

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