
“People continue to say that my illness does not exist, that I invented it for publicity. Cowardly act, health is not to be joked about”: Costantino Vitagliano’s outburst

Loved and hated icon of the early 2000s, Costantino Vitagliano it was told to the weekly Moreover and spoke in particular about his health conditions. The former tronista can’t stand it anymore because, he explains, “people keep saying my disease doesn’t exist and that I invented it to advertise myself. I am offended, indignant. You don’t joke about health and I’m really sick: To question it is a cowardly act. Especially since I don’t need lies to gain visibility.”

A year ago, Vitagliano felt a pain in his sternum and went for tests: “A pain that didn’t go away so I had an ultrasound and the results were worrying. ‘You have a mass in your aorta, you need urgent hospitalization,’ the doctor explained to me. They placed me in the oncology surgery department and I felt my blood freeze. I was convinced I had a tumor, even though the doctors were cautious,” he explained.

Then, the diagnosis: “A rare autoimmune disease, that is, a pathology that causes the immune system to feed it, rather than fight it. It doesn’t even have a name, the causes are unknown and there are no specific treatments, only experimental ones. ‘His life will never be the same again,’ the doctors told me, before resigning me.” To those who do not take their health conditions seriously, the former TV personality is thinking of suing but the reasons that push the haters to question his words are certain: “Out of envy. But I have strong shoulders and I think of those who don’t have them“.


June writes about career growth, leadership, and professional development, offering tips for navigating the modern workplace.

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