Meal vouchers, teachers and ATA are the only public employees not to receive them: request from the unions
Maybe not everyone knows this but teachers and ATAs they are the only public employees a do not receive meal vouchers. In this regard, the unions loudly ask the Government to remedy this situation of disparity compared to other categories and to assign teachers and school and administrative collaborators ticket yes 12/13 euro.
Meal vouchers for teachers and ATA: the relevant rules
The relevant legislation establishes that all employed workers are entitled to a meal voucherboth those employed at full time than those in service with contracts part timeboth in the public and private sectors.
To this day the School represents the only sector with the exception of the above since, in addition to teachers and ATA, even those who work in the secretariats do not receive no benefit for dining.
The national collective labor agreement for PA workers provides for a lunch break of 30 minutes for staff who work over 6 hours, and the replacement of the meal voucher with the provision of the canteen servicehowever subject to agreement with the unions.
Also in consideration of this contractual status, the school unions are asking for an adjustment for workers in the school sector.