“Andros” at the Predappio Theater « 4live.it • 4live.it
Saturday 11 January at 9.00 pm Municipal Theater of Predappio the show will be staged”Andros” by Malocchi e Profumi directed by Barbara Valenti.
Is “Andros” a comedy? Definitely yes. A tragedy? Definitely yes. A clash between men where the charm of the actor, belonging to the wealthy class who has had everything in life, clashes with the arrogance, physical prowess and strength of youth. A joyful and perverse mechanism where comedy turns into tragedy, where history is a succession of deceptions, pride, revenge, where cynical humor gradually gives way to mystery and falsehoods. A game that ends in a ferocious farce, but, as often happens, the farce that humiliates man’s weaknesses turns into a drama where man becomes a victim of himself, a game out of control, a game of chess that can have only one result. Man always remains the protagonist, for better or for worse, of his destiny and the crux is not who takes over but in which absurd and tragic game we have decided to participate.
Info: 05431713530, 3397097952, 3479458012, e-mail [email protected]. Tickets: full €15, reduced €10.